Thursday, December 09, 2010

In Conversation with Myself

Any reference to a character flabby or talktative is purely coincidental.
This is a narration of a true incident with fictional characters.

Setting the scene: Sitting in the bus to Amstelveen, Raji and Gautam are having a post-day-at-work convervsation. Raji was mentioning how difficult her colleague "Sherbet" was being and just then another colleague got onto the bus at the next stop. Digamber makes his way to an empty seat and makes himself comfortable. Both Raji and Gautam look at him, then each other and nod in disapproval.
Gautam: Has Digamber become a TM finally?
Raji: No he's just an acting TM.
Gautam: Oh so hes not got an Internal promotion as yet?
Raji: who got promotion?
Gautam: Digamber?
Raji: he got a promotion?
Gautam: arrrreeee.. U said he has become an acting TM
Raji: When did I say that?
Gautam: at the start of the conversationnnnnn…
Raji: oh! I thought that conversation was over


Anonymous said...

hehe :D

Anu said...

welcome to married life...

Unknown said...

hahaha...such a standard raji conversation.:)

rashmi said...

Ha ha....I think I know who Mr. Digamber is ;)